
My greatest incentive is your success through ...

Professionalism and competence: 
I only offer services in which I have experience and competence. 

Confidentiality and Reliability: 
Information is always treated confidentially. When you need me, you can count on me. 

Independence and objectivity: 
As a consultant, I maintain my independence from third parties, especially when decisions about IT suppliers are pending. The advice always takes into account all opportunities and risks. 

Fairness and joy: 
Building a partnership with mutual respect and appreciation and having fun working together. 

Sustainability and holism: 
I like to think things through to the end and solutions that are sustainable. 

Simplicity and transparency: 
Procedures and solutions should be as simple as possible, as complex as necessary. 

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." 
(Albert Einstein)
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